Thursday, September 17, 2009
Get that pain off!
GIVE YOURSELF TIME: Time heals more than the best medicines ever. With a broken heart? just know that with time, you are definitely going to get over it. I have experienced this. I had a terrific bonding with my grand daddy (‘cos I grew up with him); he was in fact, my hero. I loved him so much and he loved me so much that each time I watch him grow old and realize he would go one day, I couldn’t in any way accept it. But then it happened, he died! His death was the first ever hurt, brokenness and sadness I ever knew. I just convinced myself that I can’t take it. I already knew my life was gone wacko (or so I thought). I cried for days, weeks and months, till he was buried. After his burial, I still sneaked into the rest room every now and then to cry over him. After a while, I realized something; the tears weren’t coming again! Try as I may, they don’t just come. Then I found out that the wound has been healed. No more tears for grand daddy, ‘cos he’s gone and that is it. It took time for me to get that.
ACCEPT THE FACT: Don’t ever try to deny yourself of the fact that you were hurt. I mean, accept it as reality that the deed has been done and that you are not in some kind of dream or fantasy. He left you for another girl? Even after you have said “I can’t believe it!” Dearie, still believe it. This is because once your mind accepts and understands the reality of what has been done, it will then device a means of getting over it, but as long as you still convince yourself that it’s some nightmare you’ll wake up from, you’ll live with it.
FORGIVE: Even when it’s so obvious that you were deliberately hurt, FORGIVE! Yes, forgive. I’m not going to dwell on this ‘cos forgiveness is the next issue I’ll deal with, so keep a date. This is ‘cos forgiveness is no easy thing so I’m not just going to rush over it, but once you forgive, your wounds heal.
Keep a date….
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hurt-How best to handle it
One thing to remember is this: Most times we get hurt, it's not deliberate. I mean, it's not really a conscious act by the other person to hurt us. This is very important to note because, I have come to realize that what really hurts us when we are hurt is the fact that the other person willingly and knowingly hurt us. This is possible I know, but sometimes, we have to think outside that. Everything in life has a two side to it, so how about the other side that says that the person DID NOT DELIBERATELY hurt us. I have found out that it is easier to get over hurt when we reason in that direction. Not only is it a way of getting better, but it's a fact: Some persons DO NOT hurt us deliberately. Here are a few ways we can get to understand this:
REASON #1: TEMPERAMENT: This is the trait that everybody is born with. It is an inherited trait that comes with so much weaknesses and strengths. I'm not going to be discussing the different types of temperament but basically, there are four basic temperaments and several blends: Sanguine, choleric, melancholy and phlegmatic (You can research more about the temperament type). Now with your knowledge about the different temperament types, you’ll see that most people do what they do or treat us the way they do, just because they are living out who they are! They are just being them. This is because every human being exhibits strengths and weaknesses, now depending on the side we see most, we tend to term some people good or bad. So, that person that hurt us was simply exhibiting the negative side of him/her and did not just wake up one morning and said “You see Mr. A, I’m going to deal with him so much that he’ll wish to die”, NO! He was just being him. Again, think about the fact that YOU, and I mean YOU, have your own weaknesses and MUST have hurt someone else without knowing, so let it go!
REASON #2: BACKGROUNGS: Some people have a completely different background from you, so don’t expect them to behave just exactly like you. Most times, we expect so much from people, without understanding where they are coming from, and when it doesn’t work out, we cry out “Oh, he has hurt me,; how can she be so mean; what kind of person is this?” Well, sadly, we have made someone else say just exactly the same thing about us, because without proper understanding, we must have friction with people of different background with us.
REASON #3: BELIEFS AND GENERAL WORLD VIEWS: People have different beliefs about life and the more we understand that, the better for us, because we won’t compel them to reason like us.
These are a few reasons why we have to understand that only few people deliberately hurt us. What we have is simply a clash of backgrounds, weaknesses, ideas and therefore should be able to get over it quickly.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Love- A lifestyle
It's pretty funny when you hear someone say "Oh I love him so much and how I know? Wow,the goose pimples I get when I seen him, then my heart skips a beat!" Hmmm...word! Not a bad feeling I guess, but the love I am talking about is not a feeling! It's a life. It's the one that forms a lifestyle, an attitude in you. It's the one that makes you look out for the other person, not because you have to, but because u WANT to. It's the selfless kind of living that makes you to put yourself at a risk for the other person's sake. The love I mean is the patience and kindness you show to the other person who doesn't care. Its the absence of envy, pride, jealousy. That thing that makes you unable to be rude, irritable, touchy and to hold grudge. The life that makes it difficult for you to even notice the other person's weaknesses and makes you never to be glad about injustice, but to rejoice over truth. The love that brings out the loyalty in you over another, even though the person doesn't deserve it. The one thing that makes you to believe in the other person, always expecting the best from him and standing your ground in defending him.
That, is love. The love that is a life. The love that forms your being. Just imagine everybody around you loving this way. Cool right? Well, I know you want to be loved like that, but it begins with you! YOU start loving this way and others will love back at you because whatever you want more of, you give it away!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Managing ur Anger- Slipping off!
I'll be sharing on something I do that have also worked for me. That's 'slipping off! I use that when I'm with extremely unbearable persons that I can't do anything about. Talk about the nagging boss, parents and your superiors generally.Those people u can't afford to look around when they are talking to u because they have an authority over u. So, they stand u in front of them and pour out those cutting words on u. Those words that make u feel so bad and angry that u want to slice off their throats!, but hey, he's your boss and u need your pay check like oxygen! So what do u do? Simple-SLIP OFF! (In your mind sweetheart).
Its funny and a bit crazy, but it works. I've done that a hundred times ( I stay with my grand mum and u don't want to know how she nags!) Simply fix your gaze on the person and take a trip to your wonder land baby. Think of the best moments u ever had in life ( try not to smile though, U wouldn't like what will happen). Just DON'T LISTEN! U'll definitely HEAR, but don't listen. They are two different things. U'll HEAR because u are not deaf, but u are not listening because u are not paying attention!. Remember, u're not going to look around (that's disrepectful to your boss), but do the mind thing honey. Get your mind off the environment and by the time he's through, u come back (call me naughty, but hey, one has to do what one has to do). Tell him u are sorry for all he said u did and give him a 'Thank u' plus a smile. Believe me, u have succeeded in shielding off some effects from the words. U will still feel it, but not as much as if u had paid full attention. That way, U can put up with the most unbearable persons and live your life happier, better and lovelier. That is what I want and know u want that too: A beautiful life- No stress especially, on my emotions.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Its not really bad that we get angry, (anybody who claims he doesn't is telling nice, but unbearble lies!), but the problem's how we react to it. Everybody gets angry, but the reaction produces the classification of some as hot-tempered, quick-tempered, even-tempered, etc.
So, what do you do when that person, I mean, that nagging colleague in the office makes that thing in you to snap so badly that you can literally feel yourself breaking? Is it to shout immediately or keep quiet and later plot revenge, or simply ignore?
You see, I used to be on the hot-tempered list. You dare me, I burn you! With my mouth ofcourse. Later I thought, "okay, the mouth thing's bad, so I'll keep quiet", but I end up plotting a revenge and having the whole piled up anger burst out over a little thing. So I realized shouting immediately or reserving the anger doesn't work and that's how I discovered the few things I'll be sharing in this 'Managing your Anger' series.
First is 'Switching your mind to the 'Diversion Mode'. This is the time you have to take a look around for the smallest thing to take your mind off when faced with those situations that would upset you greatly. It could be from a print on a T-shirt to a nearby newspaper headline, down to the colour of the room you're in. Just anything that can quickly divert your attention. I remember one of those days when I was so pissed off by my best friend, I looked around and all I saw was a coca-cola can. I picked it and was going through the ingredients, then I saw water-H20. That reminded me of my first day in a chemistry Laboratory when I was performing the titeration experiment and I drank a pretty large quantity of base! That memory made me laugh so much and by the time I thought of all my friend said to me, I discovered I have calmed down to some extent! This is just an instance of how very little things can make you wander off and thus, divert your mind away from your source of anger.
Next is...Slipping off....Keep a date.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Creating your own happiness
Complaining? IT NEVER WORKS!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pasts are pasts! (2)
Today, I want you to decide to see at least one more reason why you shouldn't kill your self with self pity or why you shouldn't be sad and be grateful for it. There's always ONE-PERCENT_AFTERALL...